In today’s school system we need more freedom. I’m not saying that administrators should cut out all rules and regulations, but allow students to live and be students. I feel like a lot of teachers focus on the wrong things and it’s very petty. I don’t understand why students can’t have their phones out during passing time or lunch. I feel like that is just ridiculous. Also, I don’t think being suspended for accumulated tardies is necessary. If students weren’t getting suspended for stupid stuff like tardies, then more learning would take place. I really feel like students are in jail when they go to school. Indeed, if schools started treating students more like adults then maybe they’ll be more prepared for college when the time comes. I think that high schools should have the same rules as college, since that’s the main goal.
Also, I feel as if schools need a better variety of lunch for elementary students and allow open campus lunch for high school students. Surly, it has always bothered me that I am forced to pay for food that I don’t want to eat. If I was able to leave school and go get lunch then I would be much more satisfied and it would allow me to feel free and not trapped for so long. Once again, this all comes back to treating high school students like adults. So the main thing I feel that the educational systems needs is rules and regulations that allow high school students to be treated more like adults. Indeed, this will allow them to have an easier transition into college which will allow them to know how to handle their new environment. The educational system needs a change and I feel as if great progress would be made if these changes occurred.