Monday, May 28, 2012

The World's Biggest Problem

In today’s society, there are many issues; some more major than others. We face pollution, scarcity, overpopulation, violence, poverty and many other obstacles but the most shocking issues seems to be the ones that we can control. Think about it, why is their violence and pollution? Mainly because of humans and their selfish ways! I feel as if the world’s biggest problem is humans honestly. However, being that we are one of the most successful speciecs, we need to make a change. I feel that if everyone stopped caring about people’s opinion then the world would be a better place. In most cases, we kill animals and tress and pollute the air to impress others! Big fancy 10,00 square feet homes and  expensive cars that ruin the environment are all things that we can cut out of our lives, but we won’t simply because these things give us power. We care so much about these things that we are willing to destroy our world and the environment to have these thing.
Mugging because I could care less
Also, humans care so much about what people think that in many cases violence will occur. Fights usually occur because of he say she say drama and it’s unfortunate because this bickering leads to such a major problem in our world and it could be avoided if we’d learn how to ignore ignorance. Violence occurs every second, and most of it deals with someone trying to seem “hard” and not look like a punk. The only reason behind this behavior is to impress others because no one wants people to talk about them or look down on them. This negative energy is stupid and our world would be a better place without it. I feel like everyone needs to start focusing on what is important in life and not about what other people are thinking or saying.  

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