Sunday, September 16, 2012

Elizabeth Wong Response WRA 150 assignment

The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl Response

1.       Elizabeth Wong is a Chinese- American who grew up in Chinatown, Los Angeles. She is a playwright and television writer who was educated at the University of Southern California and New York University.

2.       In Elizabeth Wong’s essay, she makes specific moves just like the “White Buds on an Apple Tree Essay”. Elizabeth Wong gives tells us how she was forced into learning Chinese in the beginning and then gives some reasons as to why she didn’t feel the need to learn it. She felt as if her favorite books where in English and everyone praised her for speaking English so well so why would she want to speak like the “chaotic and frenzied gibberish” that she saw the other Chinese speaking. The she moves into talking about her brother and how he criticized and resented learning Chinese even more than her.

3.       Elizabeth Wong introduces her essay by describing how the school that her and her brother once went to looks now. She concludes her essay by talking about her mother’s  broken English and then moves into talking about how she stopped going to the Chinese school and thought of herself as multi-cultural.

4.       It is apparent that Elizabeth Wong regrets her assimilation into American culture when she says “At last, I was one of you; I wasn’t one of them. Sadly, I still am. This says that she is sad that she is still American.

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